Ruhai Hus Twitch Schedule

All times are in Pacific Time Zone

If stream doesn't start at 8pm and no notification assume something came up, or I passed out exhausted.

Most Days

8pm - 11pm
Gaming Streams!

Tuesday / Thursday

8pm - 11pm
Streams of a technical, programing, learning nature. Come and learn with me!

Weekends / Holidays

Depending on external factors there could be early streams or longer streams. Holidays are US holidays.

Weekends / Holidays

Longer than weekdays. No guarantee on start / end time.

External Factors

Still living at home and working full time. Family will come in and make noise ask questions, etc. Which as expected will interupt the stream most times.


Heat and Humidity can affect my ability to stream! If it is too hot, and / or humid I will not stream. Cooling is provided by fans and a Evaporative Cooler aka Swamp Cooler.

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